A few interesting tid bits this week.
- CHS (Community Health System) announced they’re going to buy HMA (Health Management Associates) for $3.6 Billion. CHS would have a total of 206 hospitals if this deal goes through.
- Effective 8/1, Oregon Medicaid removed the managed care assignment information from the eligibility response. Members that are assigned to Heath Share in Oregon will need to contact them directly to verify if the member has Kaiser, CareOregon, etc. From what I can tell, none of the eligibility vendors have HealthShare data yet so it will either be another phone call or you will have to log into their portal.
- United Health Community Care electronic eligibility responses are returning bad ID numbers for members in Ohio and New Jersey. UHC is investigating but they aren’t known for their speed. Make sure you double check the ID number against their new cards before you change anything in your registration system.