North Carolina Medicaid will be switching to their new claims system, NCtracks, effective 7/1. There’s a pretty lengthy checklist of things that need to be completed by the conversion, which I have included below along with the registration application. I’m going to assume most of you have already done this so this really only applies to the procrastinators.
There are rumors floating around that the new fiscal agent, CSC, won’t be ready to provide realtime eligibility come 7/1. Also in order to get eligibility through your current vendor, you will need to log into the NC Tracks web portal and designate your vendors. You will have to do this for both your claims clearinghouse and your eligibility vendor. Unfortunately you can only choose one vendor until July. For more information, there is a special website setup for NCTracks or you can sign up for their email list.
Provider Checklist for NCTracks Go-Live
The purpose of this checklist is to help DHHS providers understand the tasks they need to perform, and how and when to do them, to enable a smooth transition to the new NCTracks system.
- Designate the Billing Agent for your provider organization. (Applies to providers who use a Billing Agent/Clearinghouse.)
- Obtain an NCID for your Office Administrator (owner/managing employee)
- Obtain an NCID for all other staff in your provider organization who will access the NCTracks system and who will be trained
- Update your affiliation information. (Applies to individual providers who are in groups and/or affiliated with hospitals, etc.) Submit a Medicaid Provider Change Form on the current NCTracks site at
- Designate the Office Administrator (OA) for your provider organization (using NCID)
- Provide your bank account information for EFT payments
- Make sure your OA email address is current in the system
- Electronically sign the Trading Partner Agreement. (Applies to Billing Agents and providers who will submit ASC X12 batch transactions to NCTracks.)
- Complete the recommended NCTracks on-line training. (Must have a NCID)
- Verify the taxonomy codes and locations on your provider record.